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Chicago, Illinois Chicago Riverwalk Surprise Proposal- Aly + Jack

Aly and I became friends in the most unusual way- we both performed as princesses for kids' birthday parties, and although she lives in Chicago, and I in Alabama, we became friends. Aly is also a photographer in the Chicago area! That was another thing we connected over, which led to us traveling and shooting some weddings together!

During a trip to Chicago for one of those weddings we got to work together on, she gave me a tour of all of the best places. Her now fiancé (oops, spoiler), and their friends made me feel so welcome!

Fast forward to a Saturday in New Orleans- stay with me here- I was on a break while photographing a wedding with another photographer friend when I get a Facebook message from Aly's mom. "Call me. Shhh don't tell Aly". We were on the phone almost immediately. Jack had a plan, and Aly's mom wanted to make sure Aly had the photographic memories of this long-awaited moment. I had to be in Texas for another job the very next day, but I made it work. In disguise (yes, wig and all), I found Jack and Aly on the busy Chicago street and followed them down to the River Walk where he popped the question while their families watch from the other side.

The boats honked their horns and people cheered as they celebrated the start of a new chapter- being engaged!

Proposing? Let me capture it! (Disguise optional) Connect with me here!


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